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Card Five

The intuitive message of Card Five ~ Just for you


If you have selected this card then it is time that the inner critic (in your head) was silenced as it is making it difficult for you to be positive and move forward. It is a reminder about the power of the internal chatter happening in your mind. What you think creates a feeling and that feeling creates a magnetic energy that attracts like energy to it. Basically the more crap in your head, the more crap you are attracting into your life! But don’t panic, you have this card for a reason.


You are an incredible spiritual being that has managed to get your thoughts in tangles of limitations, negativity, fears and doubts. The great news is, this card has come to you today because it is time to turn things around and you have the support and assistance from your higher soul self to do it. Changing this starts with changing the mind story you tell yourself over and over in your head. The story on automatic loop in your head is old, outdated and it is no longer serving you.


It is time to create new stories about how you CAN and WILL achieve your goals and dreams. When the old story start to play simply change tracks, as if you were skipping the track on your music device. Focus on everything you have in your world that you love and are grateful for, and watch how the energy changes in an instant! changing the story and turning down the inner critic is a process, so if you find yourself back in the old story, listening to the old dis-empowering chatter, simply stop, breathe and tell yourself that you have a new story, with a brand new and exciting destination now. 


It is time, you are ready!



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Work with Samantha and transform your life


Each year Samantha opens up a limited number of places for people to work with here in a personalised mentoring process which is designed around you and your individual needs. With her full skill set available to you, these sessions are empowering and transformational . Whether you want to focus on overcoming issues in your personal life, awakening and refining your own spiritual gifts or building your career/business, this is a one of a kind program.



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