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Spirit Animal Messenger: Raven


Ravens wisdom includes introspection, courage, self-knowledge, magic, healing, creation, rebirth, keeper of secrets, master magician, shape shifter, mysticism. However, the Raven’s message for you today is that it is time to stop running from your fears. You fears have prevented you from being the fullest version of who you are. Your fears (or the avoidance of them) has been the driving force behind many of the decisions you have mad and therefore the life you have today. You are worthy of so much more,

You have chosen the Raven because there is something special, a magic within you so to speak that is desperately attempting to come to the surface. But in order to use this magic, you must first summon the courage to face your fears, to know that you are braver and stronger than you give yourself credit for. You are the master magician, the merlin or the modern world, but you will never know how amazing you are until you push through the barriers of your self-imposed fears.

Time to push through the barriers and claim what is yours. Embrace the energy of protection and know that there is no fear that can stop you unless you give your fear all the power to decide your life.

About Smantha Gillard

Samantha Gillard is an internationally respected Psychic Medium, Healer, Teacher, Mentor and Shamanic Ceremony & Ritual Facilitator. Samantha is renowned for her accuracy, authenticity and heartfelt transformative work.  Samantha has had the privilege of being mentored by some of the world’s best, as well as studying at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College. Samantha was also chosen by Tony Stockwell to be part of his teaching team of esteemed tutors from across the globe in 2017.

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