Ph: 0400 119 064
Do you have a desire to learn and experience a connection with Spirit?
Would you like to experience personal and spiritual growth?
How would you like to experience the feelings of peace, calmness and happiness
within your life, knowing Spirit is always with you?
One of the greatest gifts of mediumship is being able to connect with your loved ones in the spirit world. Life and love continue beyond the reality of the physical body. Mediumship is the process of being able to connect with your soul and listen with your heart.
If you are drawn to mediumship, fascinated by it or you have a loved one in the spirit world who you would like to learn how to connect with, then please come along to the online Mediumship Development Circle and share a heartfelt 6 weeks designed developed and strengthen your mediumship.
This 6 week online development circle is designed for beginners who want to explore mediumship (connecting with the Spirit World) and developing their abilities in mediumship.
This workshop will cover:
Energetic boundaries
The power of intent
Clair senses used in Mediumship
Communicating with Spirit
Trust & confidence
Mediumship readings
Grounding & Clearing