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Why Unf#ck Your Life?
You may not resonate with having a f#cked up life, but I can guarantee you there is f#cked up shit in your past that is holding you back from your full potential. There are old stories, belief systems and limiting narratives running in the background beneath layers of insecurity, uncertainty, fear and issues from the past.
Unf#cking Your Life is about taking back the POWER to create
a life far better than this current version!
Life, people, events, situations can seriously f#ck you up, and disconnect you from who you are. When fucked up shit happens we often go into survival mode. We lose ourselves and disconnect from our dreams and we enter the automatic survival pilot mode. Even when the fuckedupedness ceases we are often stuck in this suspended automated version of our life. This is NOT living..... it is simply going through the motions of existing. Have your ever felt that life felt more like groundhog day, than an actual exciting adventure?
It doesn't matter what happened to f#ck you up, what matters is the choice you make now... to Om the F#ck down and Unf#ck Your Life. Om the F#ck down is the process of working with your limbic system, the flight/fight/freeze centre of your brain. You see when we are F#cked up it messes with our energy, it messes with our brains, our bodies, our emotions and our perceptions. Being F#cked up puts our body's into Limbic overdrive, where fear starts to imprison us and anxiety and self doubt become the dominant driving force. Om the F#ck down is about resetting our limbic system, shaking up the automated stress programs and getting back into alignment where good shit happens easily.
Unf#cking your life is the process of taking back the control you lost, disconnecting from the negative wounding energy and reclaiming your sense of self. Getting clear on the life you want and how you want to live it. It may seem hard but it doesn't have to be. I've learned that we make things way harder than they need to be, so now I'm very committed to keeping it simple, fun but powerful.